Sunday, August 31, 2008

Who's more qualified: Palin or Biden?

I think we can all agree that Palin's pick of an experienced statesman like John McCain to head her ticket shows that she is much better prepared to be VP than Biden who is trying to thrust an unqualified youngster who was a do-nothing state legislator before being elected to the Senate where he put in a few months of attendance before going AWOL to run for president.


Anonymous said...

If runner Sarah Palin runs another successful campaign for executive office along with running mate John McCain, readers of Runalong are never going to hear the end of her runs! Aaaaarggh! Makes you want to run away from all these runners and races.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, Mark. I'm still laughing!

(You were linked on Taranto's Best of the Web Today.)

Mongo said...


Thank you Mark.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor Mark,

That was a clever take on the subject. Washington D.C. needs people like you that think outside of the box. People like you have no interest in Washington D.C.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor Mark,

That was a clever take on the subject. Washington D.C. needs people like you that think outside of the box. People like you have no interest in Washington D.C.

Unknown said...

Mark, like Palin you are an idiot!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, Melinda, I'm the same kind of idiot that Palin is. What kind are you? :-)