Friday, March 28, 2008

More laughing and crying...

...but it's all good!

As some of you know, my blog-friend Scotte Hodel has had a rather eventful 2008. I highly recommend you go over to his blog and read all of his posts about his "adventure". You'll laugh and cry; you'll learn about life and death and God; you'll learn about how to be a good friend in times of need. Little stuff like that. Start with the most recent posts here and here and then go here- this post links you to the rest of the story in chronological order, which is how you should read it. It doesn't take long and it pays well.

Thurs morning Scotte was laying on his recliner staring out the window listening to the birds. He had watched all of our extensive movie collection (repeatedly), so he stared out the window and listened to the birds outside - motionless. After Scotte laid there for awhile not moving, Adam told him he was watching him and thinking he was going to have to call me and say "Mom! Dad is dead! What do I do now?" Adam says he wanted something funny to say so that we he got to heaven later he and Scotte could meet and laugh about it. We've told Scotte he needs to move something every now and then just so we can see him move.

1 comment:

Scotte Hodel said...

I am glad to be able to touch others through this. Thanks for the encouragement!