Tuesday, March 11, 2008

God gave them over...

In Romans 1 we learn that God judges our sins (sometimes) by allowing us to experience the consequences of disobedience. Today's news reports that 1 in 4 teen age girls (USA) have STD's; that's half of all sexually active teens (the rate for celibate girls and guys remains 0%). And it isn't a minor matter- just take a pill and get better:
STDs can cause infertility and cervical cancer in women...
A virus that causes cervical cancer is by far the most common sexually transmitted infection in teen girls...
God judges in order to save. Maybe, just maybe, these statistics represent 3 million girls who will now be more willing to take God's Word to heart.


Anonymous said...

So that's what He's been doing in Darfur. Praise the Lord, and pass the tribulation!

Unknown said...

God's plan for people was that He desired them to freely choose to live in harmony with Him. People rebelled (sin). Most of the time God mercifully and graciously protects us and others from the consequences of our sin (common grace).

But when He does so we often use it as justification: "I did such and such and there were no lightning bolts, it must be OK with God." So sometimes, also out of grace, He has to let us experience the consequences of our sins, and, because we're all interconnected, sometimes people experience consequences from others' sins (e.g., Darfur, Spitzer's wife).

Perhaps you feel that a good God wouldn't let anyone sin, or would step in each time to protect them and others from any serious consequences but if that's what offends you you really should stop and think about what such a world would really be like (a world in which we wouldn't really be responsible for our actions because if we did wrong God would always step in and fix it).

This world is fallen, but there is a present and future hope offered. Meanwhile, more often than not God does step in and mitigate.

But there's an awful lot of sin going on and the law of "as you sow so shall you reap" may not be PC, but there would be even much much more sin going on if it didn't exist. Someone sleeps around and gets an STD or loses their position of power and it might just, in the long run, prove to be the best thing that ever happened to them. Thank God everyone doesn't get away with everything every time.