Sunday, April 19, 2009

Marin Headlands!

On top of Mt Tam, SF over my left ear.

Hiking above Sausalito.

Our accomodations.

I spent three days at the Marin Headlands Hostel (great place and cheap!) just north of the Golden Gate Bridge with Mrs Runalong. One day was really windy but we still had great hikes and drives around Muir Woods, Mt Tam, Muir Beach, Stinson Beach, Rodeo Beach, etc, etc.

We fixed breakfast and dinner at the Hostel and ate lunch in Sausalito. On Wednesday I ate a little kid for lunch.


David Ray said...

Beautiful pics. The full size version really looks great. Nice guitar-playing hippie on the front porch.

Barefoot Ted said...

Awesome photo with the city in the background. BFT