Highlights: This morning's message by Rob Bell on the need for pastors to forgive. To really, really forgive. If we want to survive. It was good to know that the various criticisms and such I get are pretty much par for the course; yeah, I partly deserve them but at least I'm not getting it any worse than anyone else. The downside is, that means it will never go away! And that's why practicing real forgiveness is so important. I'm pretty good at that, but I can slip into feeling sorry for myself or getting too down on myself. Thanks, Rob!
Yesterday's seminar by Larry Osborne on "Sticky Church" was about retaining the people you already have. Well, that was the topic, and it was about that, but mostly it was about strategic ministry through small groups and I got lots and lots of good insights and ideas.
I stopped at the Apple Store next door and it was the slowest I've ever seen it there. The Apple guy, when he found out I was a pastor, hung around and talked with me about faith and church for about 15 minutes.
Apple might be feeling the recession but, to my surprise, the Conference attendance is quite a bit up from last year's.
Man, wish I could've gone this year. Looks like some good stuff to take home.
Elizabeth saw Sons of Korah at Taylor University last year, liked them, thought we'd like them (she was right), and ended up buying us all their albums. Sure would like to see them in concert.
Any Emerging Church presenters?
Rob Bell is an emerging church leader.
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